Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Missing Moto Monday

This is how I spent the first monday of the month. The plan was to session the dirt with my boys. Then scorch the asphalt with Steve. We got a little carried away with the dirt sesh and missed out on MM and riding with Steve and his boys. Take note... Steve called me ghey for missing MM...
Suitin' up.
Nice goggles Drake!
 Gavin had to rip this burm before the swing arm nut fell off.
 It's time for Gavin to move up a 65.
 Strider riding the XR 80 that we rebuilt together.
Baylor-Stuck in a rut.
West mountain is a pretty gnarly place to ride on a PW50. It was cool to see him ride the hills.

 Drake was killing it on the KTM. By the end of the day he was drenched in sweat.
 Along with Baylor.
Ollie loved the dirt! Here's her best road kill routine.
By the end of the day Drake's confidence was high enough to try and double a little whoop step down. He came up short and got bucked off. He handled it like a champ!  Chicks dig scars.

On the way home I got a phone call from Steve... His bike was throwing 3 foot flames out of the front cylinder and he needed me to come rescue him. Which I did, and I was stoked to help, even though he insulted my sexuality...


Steve said...

My Apologies sir, you are a gentleman and a scholar...........and er, my hero! Thanks again. I so would have not gone to MM if I was out watching my kids shred the dirt. Awsome pics, your boys are all rulers!

its all gonna burn said...

thats looks way cooler than MM, i'm jealous

BK said...

Thanks Steve!!! I had a ball doing both moto activities.

BK said...

Burny MAC, Lets get your dirt sickle going so you can bring your kids out to the dirt!