Monday, January 31, 2011

me and my sissy

went over to my father in laws huge garage yesterday and he helped me build a sissy bar...well get started on it, we didn't get to finish it, and by help me i mean he did 90% of the work and i just said "yup, that looks good" on the ride over i noticed a lot of noise from the left exhaust, inspection during riding revealed my bolt must have vibrated off...further inspection showed this big ass crack...then i cleaned all the baked on oil and crap (even further inspection) and saw that this pipe was held together by about 3/4 of an inch of it possible that i'm using threadlock incorrectly...duh
here is his current project, he is kind of a mad scientist of vw bugs, this is going to be some sort of lowered and chopped top with a truck bed

this is the only pic i took of the sissy bar progress, its not going to be quite that tall and it will have a diamond thingy on the top...i'm super excited to have a read fender


Massic Effect said...

Welcome to the sissy bar club! ya know if you had asked I could have twisted that square stock and made it super awesome.

Steve said...

It looks great to me Jeff and Im happy to see a fender on the rear of your bike!