Monday, January 31, 2011

me and my sissy

went over to my father in laws huge garage yesterday and he helped me build a sissy bar...well get started on it, we didn't get to finish it, and by help me i mean he did 90% of the work and i just said "yup, that looks good" on the ride over i noticed a lot of noise from the left exhaust, inspection during riding revealed my bolt must have vibrated off...further inspection showed this big ass crack...then i cleaned all the baked on oil and crap (even further inspection) and saw that this pipe was held together by about 3/4 of an inch of it possible that i'm using threadlock incorrectly...duh
here is his current project, he is kind of a mad scientist of vw bugs, this is going to be some sort of lowered and chopped top with a truck bed

this is the only pic i took of the sissy bar progress, its not going to be quite that tall and it will have a diamond thingy on the top...i'm super excited to have a read fender

Monday, January 24, 2011

trading my 04 883 for 81 Iron head

so it looks like my dad picked this iron head up at an auction in va, and he is going to trade it to me for my 883. too bad I have to wait until july to get out to va and bring the iron head back to ut. cant wait to tear into this diamond in the ruff!

Saturday, January 22, 2011

short winters ride!

I took a short, much needed ride this afternoon. My 883 seems to be running good, got a little vibration from the rear brakes? Ill check it out later this week with the guys. Seems as though I may be trading this bike off for a rough little iron head to my dad this summer, if I can make it back to VA! Wish I had some riding pertners today!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

WOOHOO! conversion is coming

recieved my new pistons yesterday, now just need more $$$$$. haha story of my life!

Saturday, January 8, 2011

DIY perfection (as far as i'm concerned)

blue tape (laying around garage), black spray paint (walmart), lace (walmart), silvery spray paint (walmart), some long and skinny paintbrush (hobby lobby), silvery blueish enamel paint (hobby lobby), and kids zonked out it bed (birds and bees)...and you get what you see here...its not perfect, but it was fun

next week: DIY will include brady (TWFMco), roofies (corner of MLK blvd and 5th)......

Finished welding and painting my new bars today, also ran the wiring on the inside! I'm really digging these bars! best part they cost me nothing! I ordered some conversion pistons, so as soon as I get enough $ for a B.J. (bore job) my little 883 will grow to 1200......

Wednesday, January 5, 2011


Here's what we started out with.

VA Jons helmet

Jon is painting his lid and is saving a spot for the TWFMco logo! cool Jon is representing all the way in VA!

new bars.......use what ya got!

These started out as some old ape hangers that I had laying around, Brady made me some bungs, and now all thats left to do is weld them up paint them and bolt them on!

Sunday, January 2, 2011

bob ross paint 101

doing my best steven stone impression ...i'm a little bit farther along than this picture shows, and its already not as cool as his....but i'm happy enough with is, got some touch up to do and maybe get into my wifes scrapbooking supplies for a little "pinstripe" action

notice my link, thats a first, pretty fancy for me