My buddy Roland from work told me about a ride he goes on a couple of times each winter. He says he rides his KLR 650 from Spanish fork to Lincoln beach. Then he heads out across the ice to a place called Bird island. I've never heard of bird island but the ride out sounds bad ass.
He says He cruises it around 70 mph. On one trip he said a guy in a small airplane followed him almost the whole way out to the island. He invited me to go and I'm all for it, But I'm not sure the sporty could make it. Especially since this is how his last trip ended.
He says you have to cross a couple of cracks in the ice to get out there. This time he didnt make it and had to call his son to bring out the 4 wheeler and pull out his KLR.
Here's a random picture he took. I'm not sure if this was what he rides out to Bird island for or not. But it's pretty Effin cool anyhow.